Saturday, 28 July 2007


So, you learn the name of the place is not pronounced how-th, but hoat. Then you learn that the proper way for a non-Irish person to pronounce it is to go ahead and say the th.

So it's neither "howth" nor "hoat." It's "hoath."

It's silly because we should have known.

Anyhow, there was a fair there back in the beginning of July and Riko and I went. We were looking forward to a good lunch involving the fresh fish that's sold in the markets on the pier.

Anthony Bourdain had even been there and really seemed to enjoy himself. We saw it on the TiVo back in Frisco.

Well, good fish we didn't get. It was all pleasant enough though. We got the dog a collar, water bowl, and a stuffed bunny for the best prices we've paid for anything in Ireland: about reasonable.

OMG! More about the stuffed bunny later!

On the right is a photo of a fairly cute sort of sea critter they were feeding off the pier. An Irish Seal I believe.

1 comment:

beth said...

I love the blog (and I'm relieved to see blue sky in a few of these... my hypochondriatic tendencies were fearing some S.A.D. for you in the near future). But NOT ONE PICTURE OF RIKO'S BELLY?