Sunday, 1 July 2007

SFO to LHR to Bath, England

The flight went surprisingly well. I had rented a 4x4 for the final day in SF, because I didn't have a car and because I needed enough room to carry the dog's giant crate and all our luggage.

I got the biggest fully loaded Suburban I'd ever seen, and the biggest thing I've ever driven.

It seemed like we nearly filled the thing.

The flight and arrival went well. We got the rental car then searched for and eventually found the dog prison at the airport.

We took a look at a map and decided that the historic city of Bath would be in the right direction and not a terribly taxing drive. About 4 hours from LHR?

Pictured above is our hotel. Bath is a pretty interesting sort of place. The bigwigs came here when Britain was part of the Roman Empire. Well, maybe not the biggest bigwigs. They came to take baths, believe it or not. Yep, once a year, whether they needed it or not.

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