See the clock on the wall? 2:47. That's AM, and the scene is Holles Street National Maternity Hospital.
Everything is fine. We had one of those normal, getting-close-to-having-a-baby sort of medical events. We got back home around 3:30 this morning.
I was especially dopey, Riko having woken me from what must have been Stage 4 sleep a little before 1A. I had a hard-ish time pulling myself into reality, but having a pregnant wife saying "we're going to the hospital" is a potent stimulant.
Still, the doctor chuckled at me when I somehow constructed the phrase "meaningfully pregnant" in answer to some question or other. It made sense to me.
How come you have camera in your "Emergency Practice Run to the Hospital"?? David
For the same reason you bring the camera to any interesting event!
We didn't think he was ready to arrive, but what do we know? We were right, of course. He needed another day.
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