Thursday, 31 July 2008

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Random cute pictures

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Yesterday Ryan climbed up the stairs all by himself. Well, I was standing, ok, hovering close behind. And maybe I put my hand under his butt and pushed just a little but only the last 5 of the 14 steps. I didn't get it on camera because he saw my shoes on the stairs and just went for it. No time to grab the camera. Like Whiskey before him, Ryan likes to chew on Mommy's shoes. Fortunately, unlike Whiskey, his teeth are not sharp enough to destroy Mommy's favorite Italian leather boots.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Boastful Mother

This is why I think my son is exceptional:
April 1st he rolled over onto his belly. May 26th he pushed-up onto his hands and feet. June 6th he sat up. June 27th started drinking formula and 2 days later was able to hold the bottle on his own and feed himself. June 30 he stood up in his crib. In 3 months he went from a helpless baby to pre-toddler.

At his last check up he weighed 21 lbs/1 oz and measured 28.78 inches. He has 4 teeth and 3 on the way. I'm afraid if I blink he'll be 18, moving out and going to college.
