Saturday, 24 May 2008

Jameson Beam Engine in UCD Engineering Building

Here's the story I've been told. The Jameson distillery gifted this "beam engine" to UCD's egineering school. It's been built into a custom arrangement just inside the doors. I walk by it every day at work.

I've heard that once in a while they get it spinning, but I've never seen this. I've also heard that Jameson wants it back.

Shopping in Ireland

Yep, that's right folks. A 6 foot USB cable in the discount catalog store Argos in Dublin. 18 Euro. That's $28.37 for a standard, vanilla USB cable.

(That's outrageously expensive).

Friday, 23 May 2008

Look at the difference! (Fixed?)

One month old...

Five months old

One month old...

Five months old

Thursday, 15 May 2008

People, let me tell you about my best friend...

I'm going to eat you!

No, I'm going to eat you!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Spring is here!

Last weekend we went to Ashton's, a restaurant/bar just downup the river from our house. It was sunny and warm (for Ireland) so we sat outside and imagined we were back in California.
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Monday, 5 May 2008

Dublin Bay

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We walked about a mile out into Dublin Bay with the tide as far out as we've ever seen it. It must have gone on another three miles.

Here's a power plant!

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Look closely

Here are Ryan's first teeth. It's a bit blurry but you get the picture.
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Thursday, 1 May 2008

Ah Venice.

humorous pictures
see more crazy cat pics